To tide you all over while the latest episode cooks a holiday poem...
Twas the night before Mutagenesis and all through the landRadiation was flowing through every organ and glandWeapons were stacked by the door with careFor fear that tibbar and yvox would soon be there
The Pure Strains were nestled all snug in their bedsWhile visions of artifacts danced in their headsAnd plantients in their pots, and Manimals in their nestsHad quieted their powers for a long night’s rest
When out in the jungle, there arose such a clatter,That the mutants all rushed to see what was the matterUp to the watchposts they flew in a flashArmed with spear, and blades, and liquids that splash
The sky-arc on the leaves of the jungle belowgave the lustre of great radioactive glow,when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,but a miniature sleigh and eight mutant reindeer.
With a little old driver, green like a slug,I knew in a moment it must be St. Doug.More rapid than devils, the creatures they came,and he burbled and hooted and called them by name:
"Now Masher! Now Lancer!Now, Smasher and Boxen!On, Comet! On, Pupid!On, Donna and Ritzen!Over the vllage!Over the wall!Now dash away! Dash away!Dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild Glowstorm fly,when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the skyso into the village the coursers they flew,with the sleigh full of artifacts, and St. Douglas too.
And then, all a twinkling, and with a strange woofthe prancing and pawing of each glowing hoof.As I drew in my head and was turning around,Into my hut St. Douglas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.A bundle of artifacts he had flung on his back,and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
Cyber eyes--how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!Upon His cheeks grew roses, from his nose a cherry!His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,and his beard illuminated from within with a nuclear glow.
An artifact he held tight in his teeth,From it a forcefield encircled his head like a wreath.He had a broad face and a big round belly,that shook when he moved, like a captured ooze or jelly.
Part mutant, part plantient, and maybe part elf,I saw that he was just a seeker like myself.A flash in his eye and I was filled with such dreadBut I soon realized he wasn’t here for my head.
He spoke without words, and went straight to his work,He filled the armory, then turned with a jerk.And laying his finger aside of his nose,and pressing a button, into the sky he rose.
He flew to his craft, to his team gave a shout,And away they all flew before any knew they were about.But I heard him exclaim, as he flew from my sight,"Happy Mutagenesis to all, and to all a good night!"
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