Tributes ahoy!
James - The Stick Of Smite
- This one’s just a tribute to a nearly 3 year long campaign that just wrapped up
- Stick of Smite
- The Stick of Smite: 1d6 damage, +2 to hit and damage against anyone, or any creature, whose name begins with an "R." Also against pirates... arrgh...]
- Die Rodney
- Making magic items fun and on the fly.
Marc - Radiangel
- What happens when a tribe of survivors finds a stockpile of highly radioactive rings and takes to wearing them as tiaras, crowns, headbands, etc?
- Well they mutate all to heck and after generations they become Radiangels.
- Weirdly, Radiangels have bred out the most volatile genetics and have settled into a stable mutation pattern that manifests during puberty when the Radiangel child is given their “halo”.
- All Radiangels have Wings and Light Generation, and about 50% have another random mutation.
- Radiangels are very inclined to follow the rules of their elders and consider Mutants to be the true innocents of Terra A.D. and will often come to the aid of mutant who are willing to
- Stats
- Init +5; Atk Sword +5 melee (1d8+3), Light Generation +5 ranged; AC 15; HD 5d8; MV 30’ or 50’ by flight; Act 2d20; SP Immune to Radiation; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3; AL L.
Forrest -
- Rogues Gallery: an old school 1st edition AD&D book containing some of the characters run in the original Greyhawk campaign and other early AD&D campaigns. Unique personalities and characters that informed a LOT of how I created NPCs when I DM’d.
- I’d like to take the starting shot at a Rogues Gallery for Umerica and MCC. I’ve mentioned this character before on the podcast a few times. He or it has played in every playtest of Killer of Giants, and everyone has a little different twist on him, but no matter who plays him, the adventure ends up going insane with him at the center of the insanity. He will also be available as a pregen when I run The Tower of the Flower of Power at Garycon. I’m hoping someone picks him up and that crazy things ensue:
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